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A Little about Us

Our club exists to to advance the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio. Established in 2016 in Madison County, NC, HAMARS provides support for public events in the area and participate annually in both summer and winter field day.

All of our members enjoy a variety of on-air and off air activities. Our member are well-rounded and come from a wide variety of occupations and backgrounds. From "newbies" all the way through to well-seasoned hams with decades of hamming experience.

We draw members from a wide geographic area. Our members come from such places as Mars hill, Marshall, Alexander, Burnsville, Pertersburg, Walnut, and Hot Springs to name only a few. Many of our members belong to multiple ham clubs in the area, as well.

Everyone here is welcoming and service oriented. We welcome you to our next meeting or on the air net. Click the below to hep find us.

Current Officers

Our officers serve for various lengths of time and are elected each year in November. Here's who make up our executive committee currently:

President: Ralph Rognstad, Jr., W4RRJ When Ralph isn't balancing the club's books, he's active on many modes and bands. A real SOTA "Goat". He serves as Emergency Coordinator for Madison county. Ralph championed our Hammarlund Hullabaloo roundup this year.


Vice President: Ted Berzinski, KN4EXX Ted was first licensed in the late 1960's as a Novice, then a General as WA3BVS.  He put the hobby aside a few years later as family and career demands took over.  In 2017 he re-tested as a General to get his current call sign, and has been an active Ham ever since.  Ted most enjoys the Field Days and special events, running SSB on the HF bands. 

Club Treasurer: Jerry Robinson, N4KJ Jerry's been a ham for over fifty years, first licensed as WN4TNB in 1970. Grew-up in Asheville. He's a semi-retire engineer and likes operating and restoring vintage ham equipment.

Carl, N4MNC.jpg

Club Secretary:Carl Batchelder, N4MNC. Although Carl is a relatively new HAM, he bring a wealth of technical knowledge and that new HAM enthusiasm to our club. We welcome his spirt and drive. Carl recently participated as one of our Hammarlund Hullabaloo stations, picking up many new stations on 40 and 20 meter SSB. 

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